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Newsletter - October Week 1

Dear Parents / Carers,


Reading at home

On Tuesday, Mrs Hartley and I went on some reading training.

Part of the session which I feel is really important to share with you was just how important reading at home with your child is.  The amount of research to show the huge impact of this special time between you and your child is incredible.  Obviously this supports your child's reading skills but it also impacts positively on their emotional skills, understanding of the world and people around them along with their life skills.

So many stories deal with conflict, emotions, world issues and tackle stereotypes.  You don’t need me to tell you that reading with your child is a time that usually ends up with lovely conversations and you get to find out all sorts of things that have happened in the day along with your child opening up about their own feelings.

Just 10 or 15 minutes a day, in a calm environment (usually bedtime) will develop all of these elements in your child AND most importantly it gives you some quality time with your child in a busy life.


Forest Schools

All of our children have had such an amazing time outside in the woodland area.  They have made dens, created artwork from nature, made bug homes, made fires and some children even got to melt marshmallows and brioche!

Such a wonderful experience for all of the children, with some lovely memories they’ll keep forever.


Dougie Mac Cake & Coffee Morning

Thank you so much for your cake donations and your support this morning.  We have raised an incredible £502.65 for this amazing charity.  We can’t thank you enough.  You are all superstars!


World Mental Health Day

Next Tuesday is World Mental Health Day.  We would like all of the children to come to school wearing something yellow to celebrate #helloyellow Stand out and show up.

During the day, all of our children will take part in activities which support their wellbeing.


School Photos

Monday 9th October is school photograph day.  Please can you ensure your children come in school uniform.  Children doing PE later, can get changed into PE kits later on in the day.


Small & Tall closed on Wednesday 11th October (after school only)

Due staffing, we’re really sorry but Small & Tall will be closed on Wednesday after school.  The morning session will run as normal.


School Council Meeting

Yesterday, the school council got together to discuss the Behaviour Policy.  Each of the council will bring the policy home for you to read together and to make any comments on.  I have explained that there are some paragraphs on there that we have to have due to safeguarding reasons.

We will have a meeting again in a couple of weeks to go through any comments made.  We will then share with the classes, then the Governors to have it approved.  Then we can share it with everyone.


 There will be a PTA meeting after school on Thursday 12th October - everyone welcome


Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Wilmer