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Newsletter - October Week 3

Dear Parents / Carers,


Last Friday was the Co-op Academies Trust recognition and awards evening.  I have some great news - Mrs Elkin won the ‘Do what matters most’ award for her dedication and enthusiasm in teaching music.  Mrs Elkin works closely with all teachers ensuring that every child takes part in quality music lessons.  The number of children taking instrument lessons has increased so much that now we have a third of the school taking instrument lessons.  We also have a very large choir.  This is all thanks to Mrs Elkin and her drive to ensure all children receive a well rounded education.

Well done Mrs Elkin!  We’re so proud of you.


Parents’ Evening

Thank you to everyone who came along to parents’ evening.  It was lovely to see so many of you.  If you were unable to make it, please contact your teacher to arrange a suitable time.


PTA Hallowe’en Disco

Not that you can forget but next Wednesday is our Hallowe’en Disco.  I can’t wait to judge the carved pumpkins.

5:30pm - KS1 and early years

6:30pm - KS2


School closed on Monday 6th November due to staff training.  This includes Small & Tall.


Harvest Donations

Next Wednesday we will be collecting donations for Alice charity.  As you know, every year we support this charity as it is very close to our hearts.  Tinned goods, sanitary and hygiene products as well as baby products will all be greatly received.  

You can bring in your donations Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday and we will display them in the main entrance.  We will then take the products over to Alice on Wednesday afternoon.  If there are any parents who are able to help with the transport of the goods to Hartshill, we would love to hear from you.

Thank you in advance for your support with this charity.


Year 6

I just want to let you know how proud I am of Year 6 this week.  Their behaviour during playtimes has been fantastic.  They have supported younger children, played with some of the younger children and helped younger children to take part in games.  It’s been a pleasure to be with them at every lunchtime.  Well done to all of Year 6.


Football Club

Please can I ask that if your child takes part in the football club, they bring in a hand towel and possibly a change of clothes.  The children play in all weathers and today, we’ve had some very soggy children.  They have such a great time and have loved it, we just need them to dry off when they come in. 


Thank you as ever for your continued support.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Wilmer