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Newsletter - November Week 1

Dear Parents / Carers,

It’s been a very busy first week back.  Thank you to everyone for remembering to bring in bottles today ready for the Christmas Market on Friday 24th November.


Children in Need
Next Friday is Children in Need.  We are asking children to come in bright clothes and pay your £1 donation via Parentpay using the following link .  I’m sure there’ll be lots of children taking part in various fundraising activities over the next few days so I wish them all lots of luck and hope they have fun.


National Anti-Bullying Week
Next week, all of the children will be focusing on the theme ‘ Make a noise about bullying’.  We will be revisiting lots of lessons which have been taught each year about what bullying is, what to do if you or someone you know is being bullied as well as looking at feelings caused.  We will be revisiting the anti-bullying policy too.


Grandparents lunch - Date for diary
A reminder that Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th December is our Grandparents' Christmas lunch. Grandparents are welcome to come to school and have lunch with their grandchild/children. As soon as we know the menu, we will send the booking form out.


How to report safeguarding concerns
Should you have any concerns about the safety of a child, there is a ‘report a concern’ button on the website.  The message comes straight through to myself and Mrs Hartley.

If a child is in immediate danger, please call the police directly.

If you wish you to contact Staffordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board yourself, the number is 0300 111 8007


Thank you as ever for your continued support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Take care, stay safe.

Mrs Wilmer