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Newsletter - February Week 3

Dear Parents and Carers


Welcome back to our second Spring term. I had a meeting with the teachers on Wednesday and there are lots of exciting things planned between now and Easter - keep an eye on ClassDojo and your emails for the most up to date messages to help you keep on top of what’s going on!


Mothers’ Day Lunch
We will be celebrating those special ladies in our lives who care for us next Wednesday 6th March with a Mothers’ Day Lunch. The booking form is now live - please contact Mrs Dean if you have any questions.

Mothers' Day Gift
The PTA will be sending order forms out on Monday 26th Feb if you would like to order a Mothers' Day gift. There will be 2 options - Option 1) Afternoon Tea for 1 box priced at £4.50. Option 2) Plant and plant pot £2.50. If you would like to order please send the order form back before Thursday 29th February.


World Book Day
We will be celebrating World Book Day on Friday 8th March and this year’s theme is Bedtime Stories. Everyone can come to school in their PJs and bring their favourite bedtime storybook - either from now or when they were younger, I’m going to have a look for my Enid Blyton bedtime stories!


Easter Celebration
We will be celebrating the end of the Spring Term with some Easter related activities in school. We will be holding our traditional decorated egg competition for the children in KS2 and an Easter Bonnet competition for the children in KS1 and Early Years. If your child would like to bring in an egg or bonnet please send them into school on Friday 22nd March


Bags to School
The Bags to School are being collected next week - if you require any more bags please let your child’s teacher know or you can collect one from the school office. You can also use ordinary bin bags. They can be brought in any day and we will store them until the collection day.


We have had some cases of chickenpox so please keep an eye out for symptoms. If your child has chickenpox, keep them off school until all the spots have crusted over. This is usually about 5 days after the spots first appeared. Once they have crusted over they can come into school and we can administer calpol if needed. Please contact Mrs Dean to arrange a medicines permission form.


Our attendance this week has been 94.4%, let’s hope the various bugs making the rounds at the moment clear up soon and we can get back above 96%!


Upcoming Dates

Mothers’ Day Lunch



World Book Day - Bedtime Stories



Non-uniform for chocolate bingo/ RedNose Day



Celebration of Learning



Chocolate Bingo



Easter Celebration Day



Easter Holidays

25.3.24 - 5.4.24



Ms Hartley