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Newsletter - March Week Three

Dear Parents and Carers

Happy Holidays! We have had a lovely day celebrating Easter and Spring today. The weather has been very kind to us and we were even joined by Anna and Barbie during our egg hunt this morning!


Young Musician of the Year
On Monday Gini in Year 6 represented our school in the semifinals of the Young Musician of the Year competition. Although she did not progress to the finals she did an amazing job playing a very difficult instrument (the clarinet) we are all very proud of you Gini and look forward to hearing more news of your musical successes in the future! 


Chocolate Bingo
Wednesday night was another packed house for our Easter bingo. Thank you to everyone who donated chocolate and to those who came along and helped us to raise over £600. Thank you to the PTA who put the work into making it a successful evening and to the staff who helped on the night.


Easter Celebration
Thank you to all of the families who helped their children with entries to the Easter celebration. It was such a lovely and colourful afternoon. If you’d like to see some of the entries and parts of the egg hunt I will be posting pictures on dojo shortly


This afternoon children in Years 1 to 6 will receive their Spring progress reports. The reports show marks from recent assessments and a teacher assessment of their work across the term. I am very happy with the progress made by children across the school and I hope you are too. If you have any questions you will be able to contact the class teachers after the holidays.


Thank you
Finally a big thank you from me to all of the children, families and staff who have supported me whilst Mrs Wilmer has been recovering from her operation. I have enjoyed working with everyone in this wider capacity but I’m very much looking forward to getting back to working with my lovely Year 2s!

Happy Easter and enjoy any time you have off to spend with your families


Ms Hartley


New menus for after Easter.


Upcoming dates

Easter Holidays

25.3.24 - 5.4.24


May Day





All week

Early Years Sports 

KS1 Sports





KS2 Sports



May Half Term


All week

INSET - children not in school

Small & Tall closed


All day

Father’s Day Lunch



Career’s Week


All week









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