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Newsletter ~ July Week Two

Dear Families,


Thank you so much for coming along to the Summer Fair last Friday.  I know lots of you came to support the PTA event.  The children certainly had lots of fun.  The event raised just under a massive £1700.  All of this money goes straight back to your children, so a huge thank you from everyone for helping to make the fair so successful.

A massive thank you to Eloise and Sarah and the rest of the PTA for working so incredibly hard over the last few months, ensuring that our children and families had such a great night.


KS2 Summer show - Matilda
The children were absolutely amazing!  I can’t believe how enthusiastic and brave they all were.  They have worked so hard to learn their lines and remember all of the songs.   And the soloists - they were incredible.  I’m so proud of you.

Both shows were fantastic.  

Thank you to all of the parents who helped to sort out costumes and help their child learn their lines.

Thank you to the children for being their usual incredible selves.

Thank you to the staff who have worked tirelessly for months to create such a wonderful show.




Parking on yellow lines / in front of driveways
Please can I ask again that family and friends do not park on the yellow lines by school.  They are there to keep people safe, not to make it easy for you to park by school.  Also, please can you not park in front of the neighbours driveways.  This type of thoughtless behaviour is causing a lot of anger and frustration with residents and families of our school.  Thank you for your cooperation with this.


Today you will receive your child’s end of year report.  I hope that you are as proud of your child as I am.  It was an absolute pleasure reading them and as always I enjoyed writing my own personal comments about your child. 


Online Safety

For Parents - Digital Family Agreement

With the summer holidays just around the corner now can be a great time for parents/carers to talk with their children and set ground rules, boundaries and expectations around tech use. The easiest way to do this is via a digital family agreement and London Grid for Learning have a really useful template which is free for anyone.

You can download the digital family agreement from LGfL HERE.



With the holidays just around the corner, contact with the school will end for a while.  If you have concerns about a child’s safety please use the following numbers:

Staffordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board:  0300 111 8007

(out of hours -  0345 6042886)

If you feel that someone (child or adult) is in immediate danger, please call the police.



Platinum School’s Games Mark

This week we have received confirmation that we have achieved the Platinum School’s Games Mark.  This is due to the amount of emphasis we place on children being active and healthy, including the amount of activities and competitions we take part in.  Well done to all of the staff for helping to achieve this and a special mention to Ms Cooper who has put all of the evidence together and organised the sports in the school. 




Year 6 SATs
This week we received our SATs results.  They were brilliant!  We are so proud of the achievements of all of our children.  Every child has worked so hard and tried their very best. 89% achieved the expected standard or better in GPS (grammar, punctuation & spelling), writing and maths.  In reading, 93% achieved the expected standard or better.


Super results for the phonics, which we’re so proud of.  95% passed the phonics tests in Year 1 and 100% passed the phonics in Year 2.  


String Assembly  

Well done to all of the children who took part in the string instruments assembly this week.  The children showed off their talents from the very beginners to those who’ve been playing for a few years.  It was so lovely to see the children playing their instruments confidently.


Have a lovely weekend

Take care and stay safe

Mrs Wilmer