Newsletter ~ September Week 3

Dear Families,
We’ve had a busy week in school. We’ve had the Glow counsellor in to work with children in Years 4, 5 and 6 focusing on relationships. The workshops are all based on the theme ‘relationships without fear’. Over the last three years, Glow has come into school to talk to the children. The children have always given such positive feedback about these sessions which is great to hear.
Early Years
We have some spaces available in the Early years classes and we’re also holding open mornings for new parents to come and look around. If you know of anyone who would be interested, please pass on our details. They can book onto an open morning by going to the website. Thank you.
Jewellery in school
Please can I remind you that apart from a pair of small stud earrings and a watch, no other jewellery is allowed in school. Children will be asked to take off necklaces, bracelets and rings.
During any PE session, all jewellery must be removed. This includes when children go swimming.
Yesterday, we had a Maths Lead from the Trust in school. Miss Thornton was really impressed with what she saw in every class. The children were amazing while taking part in their maths activities. Every class, everyday will be completing a core skills maths session as well as their usual maths lesson. This is to try and ensure every child is competent with basic maths skills. Yesterday, Year 5 really impressed Miss Thornton so much so that she sang their praises on X (Twitter).
Medical Information
If your child has a medical condition, please ensure the school knows about this. We can then create a care plan. If we do not know about it, we can’t ensure that all staff know what the issue is and how you would like us to respond to it apart from using the basic knowledge which we have.
Grass banks around school
Please can you ask your children not to go on the grass banks in the mornings. They are very wet and slippery. The teachers do ask the children not to go on them but a reminder from yourselves would be really helpful.
Online Safety
For Parents - Video Games and Children
Unicef have shared an article with some nice, clear and simple advice for parents/carers about online gaming. The article covers how to create a positive and safe gaming environment, how parents can engage with their children, what the benefits or gaming are and more.
You can view the article on the Unicef website HERE.
Safeguarding in school
Ms Hartley is the Designated Safeguarding Lead. I am the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead.
If you have concerns about the safety and wellbeing of a child, you can always come and chat to one of us. You could go on to the website and use the ‘Report a Concern’ button (top right of the screen) or you could call Staffordshire Children’s Safeguarding team on 0300 111 8007. Out of hours number is 0345 6042886. In an emergency, please don’t wait. Contact the police on 999.
Our Child Protection and Safeguarding policy is on the website should you wish to know more.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Take care and stay safe.
Mrs Wilmer