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Winter Walk and Talk 2025

At the end of school on 5th February, parents and children once again joined members of the PTA and the Academy Community Pioneer (Matt Linley-Simon) for a walk in the woods. This time, as well as continuing their experience of the Three Parks through the seasons, this outing gave everyone an opportunity to talk, falling perfectly in line with this year’s Time To Talk Day.  Matt also leads the intrepid band of Eco Warriors at the academy as part of his role as Community Pioneer and has been using the sessions to develop recognition of native shrubs, trees and wildflowers. 

The walk was open to the whole community, and we took all opportunities to engage with dogs and their human friends on the way around, although much time was spent looking at the ends of twigs for signs of spring’s approach. Sadly, still in the grip of winter, the trees are continuing their sleep, but spring bulbs are raising their heads ready for March. 

Walking past the ranks of daffodils in the cemetery, one young couple new to the walk noted, “We haven’t been into the cemetery as we’re new to the area. We’ll definitely be back to see them in bloom.” 

Matt, the Academy Community Pioneer, said, “It’s good to see the walk starting to grow, as we watch the parks change through the seasons. And on an important occasion such as Time To Talk Day, it’s essential that we give people an opportunity to reflect on how they are feeling, giving them a friendly ear to listen to. With the pace of life, it’s so easy to rush by and not notice both the nature around us, and people experiencing difficulty. Times such as this give us a chance to stop for both.”

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