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Newsletter ~ May Week Four

Dear Families,


What a shame we’ve had to cancel our sports days.  We have rearranged them for:

Mon 10th June at 1:30pm - KS2

Tue 18th June at 1:30pm - KS1 

Thursday 20th June at 1:30pm - early years

Fingers crossed the weather improves.


Homework survey   📕
Thank you to those of you who completed the survey.  The senior leadership team will be looking into the results and your comments.  We’ll use these comments to update the homework policy.  As soon as we’ve done this, we’ll send it out to you.


Year 2 trip to Wedgewood
The children had a fantastic time at Wedgewood yesterday.  They learnt lots of facts about Josiah Wedgewood and had great fun creating tiles.  We’ve just got to wait a short while before Mrs Hartley can collect them and show them off to everyone.



Year 1 Phonics tests
These will take place the week beginning Monday 10th June.  These checks are to find out how much your child has learnt since beginning their phonics learning journey.  Mrs Elkin or Mrs Harris sits with the child whilst they read the words to her.  The children enjoy showing off how well they can read and I know the teachers love seeing their progress.


Swimming  🏊
Swimming for Year 3 and the gala practice children starts as soon as we’re back after half term.

Cricket   🏏
The postponed cricket will now be on Tuesday 4th June - first day back to school.


I wish you all a lovely half term.  Lots of you are going away for a well earned break - enjoy and have fun.

I’ll see you all back to school on Tuesday 4th June.  (Monday is an INSET day for staff)


Take care and stay safe

Mrs Wilmer


Upcoming dates

May Half term


INSET - children not in school

Small & Tall closed


All day

KS2 Sports Day - 1.30pm 10/6/24

Father’s Day Lunch



Career’s Week


All week

KS1 Sports day - 1.30pm 18/6/24
Early Years sports day - 1.30pm 20/6/24

Non uniform Bring a bottle for Summer Fair



Celebration of Learning



Summer Fair



KS2 Summer show





Colour Run



Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly



Last day at school
