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Newsletter ~ June Week One

Dear Families,


Welcome back to our last half term of the school year.  I hope you all had a good half term.


Government news regarding term time holidays from 19th August 2024

The Department for Education has made some important changes to the law for families wanting to request leave of absence in term time. The changes made it clear that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. The Local Authority supports this; therefore, students will only be given permission to take leave in term time if there are exceptional circumstances.  If it is not exceptional circumstances then the student will have an unauthorised absence and will be recorded in the attendance register with the “G” code.  You may be subject to a Penalty Notice if your child’s absence from school is unauthorised. This is in line with Staffordshire County Councils Code of Conduct and the “Working Together to Improve School attendance” statutory guidance (effective 19 th August 2024). The penalties for unauthorised leave of absence in term time will be:

For a First offence the Penalty Notice fine would be: -

£80 per parent, per child if paid within 21 days, rising to

£160 per parent, per child if paid between 21-28 days.

For a Second offence within 3-years of the first penalty notice being issued, the penalty notice fine would be:

£160 per parent, per child if paid between 28 days.

Following the second offence every new offence within the 3-year period, will be prosecuted under S444.1 of the Education Act 1996. If the prosecution takes place, the maximum fine is £1,000 per parent, per child. This reflects the seriousness of unauthorised absence from school.

The Government and the Local Authority hope parents support this and book holidays in the 13 weeks school holidays.

Our key priority is to ensure that your child is as successful as possible and can achieve their full potential by being in school full time.  Please continue to either complete the absence request form or speak to myself or Mrs Dean should your child need time off school.


Sports Afternoons

As you will know, the sports afternoons are coming up for the children.  Please can I remind you to bring a chair or picnic blanket and maybe an umbrella too!

Monday 10th June at 1:30pm - KS2

Tuesday 18th June at 1:30pm - KS1

Thursday 20th June at 1:30pm - Early years


Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Wilmer


Upcoming events

KS2 Sports Day - 1.30pm 10/6/24  

Father’s Day Lunch



Career’s Week


All week

KS1 Sports day - 1.30pm 18/6/24
Early Years sports day - 1.30pm 20/6/24

Non uniform Bring a bottle for Summer Fair



Celebration of Learning



Summer Fair



KS2 Summer show





Colour Run



Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly



Last day at school
