Newsletter ~ June Week Four

Dear Families,
Parking on Abbots Way
Please can I ask that parents, family members or friends who park on Abbots Way do not park on the yellow lines. The lines are there for a reason; to keep our children and families safe. By doing so, not only are you putting people in danger but you are also causing anger and frustration to the many families who are walking that way. You would never forgive yourself if your parking caused a serious accident. Please park safely.
Road Safety
At the beginning of the week, DHL brought one of their lorries to school so children could learn about road safety and especially how to stay safe around large vehicles. The children really enjoyed finding the blind spots and looking in the cab. Hopefully their excitement of the activity will help them to remember the safety rules that the team went through.
Please can all parents ensure their parentpay is up to date by Friday 5th July. Thank you
Swimming Gala
On Tuesday, some of our older swimmers took part in the Newcastle Schools Swimming Gala. Eight schools took part. The children were amazing. They could not have tried any harder. Their team spirit was wonderful as they showed a lot of ‘loud and cheering’ support to all of our team. A huge well done to Imogen, Anna and Ava who all came home with a gold medal. Overall we came third. A massive well done to the rest of the team: Stanley, Georgia, Jack F, Jack B, Maddie and Albert.
KS2 Sports afternoon
On Monday at 1:30pm, KS2 finally get to take part in their races. It will be dry! It has to be dry! Please bring along chairs or picnic blankets and sunhats (and maybe a brolly just in case!)
Move up morning
Next week, most of our Year 6 children will be visiting their high schools for transition days. We hope it goes well for them.
On Thursday, it is our move-up morning. All of our children will be visiting their new classes in the morning. They will go to their current class first thing for registration and then they’ll go to meet their new teacher and check out their new classroom. Year 2 children and Reception children will be shown several times over the next few weeks where they have to go in the mornings ready for September. (Year 1 children go into the classroom and leave via the first gate on the rainbow fence. Year 3 children go into school using the door next to the veranda - where I stand in the mornings and will leave using the hub room door which is the room next to the library)
Class teachers will remain the same as this year.
Nursery - Mrs Tagg and Miss Goodwin
Reception - Mrs Williams and Mrs Rushton
Year 1 - Mrs Elkin (Mon, Tue & every other Wed) and Mrs Harris (every other Wed, Thu & Fri)
Year 2 - Ms Hartley
Year 3 - Mrs Dickens (Mon, Thu & Fri) and Mrs Simpson (Tue & Wed)
Year 4 - Miss Smith (covering maternity leave for Mrs Rafferty)
Year 5 - Miss Coleman
Year 6 - Ms Cooper
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Bebbington (KS1), Dr Fletcher, Ms Shaw and Ms French (KS2) Ms French will be starting with us in September. Ms Master will be in Year 5.
Cover Supervisor - Mrs Hughes (covers teachers when on leadership time or PPA time)
Year 2 going into Year 3 has a uniform change. Their uniform will be pale blue shirt/blouse, tie and v neck sweater or cardigan. We are also introducing sweatshirts for PE and coloured PE tops which will be your child's house colour. Mrs Dean will send a letter out soon to let you know which team your child is in.
Celebration of learning
On Thursday 4th July, we have our celebration of learning afternoon from 2:45pm. Your child will have their books with them so you can see all of their learning. Their art work will be in the hall to look at too.
Have a lovely weekend.
Take care and stay safe
Mrs Wilmer
Upcoming events
KS2 Sports Day - 1.30pm | 1.7.24 | |
Celebration of Learning |
4.7.24 |
2:15pm |
Summer Fair |
5.7.24 |
5pm |
KS2 Summer show |
10.7.24 11.7.24 |
6pm 1.30pm |
Colour Run |
12.7.24 |
pm |
Year 6 Leavers’ Assembly |
17.7.24 |
2pm |
Last day at school |
19.7.24 |