Newsletter ~ September Week Two
Dear Families,
Our uniform swap shop has had a bit of a revamp. We now have several clothes rails so that you can find the clothes more easily.
We have got a plea - if you have any trouser/skirt hangers that you could donate, we would appreciate it.
Thank you to everyone who has donated and made use of this scheme.
Emergency drills
We practise emergency drills and talk about these several times a year to ensure the children and staff are safe at Friarswood.
Each term we have a fire drill to ensure that all children and visitors know exactly where to go and what to do should there be a fire.
Twice a year we practise a lockdown procedure. This is if a dangerous situation is happening outside or a dangerous person has managed to get into the building. In both situations, we would contact the police and wait for further instructions. We would only contact yourselves once advised to do so. We will not be able to answer the phone or open the gates to you should either of these incidents happen until the police have confirmed it is safe to do so.
We also talk to the children about what would happen if we had to evacuate the school. (We would walk to The Coppice) If The Coppice had to evacuate, they would walk to Friarswood. Once all of the children and staff are safely at The Coppice, we would then make contact with yourselves.
Are you engine idling?
(from RAC)
Idling means leaving a vehicle’s engine running while it is stationary. While this is often because of everyday traffic, there are some instances – such as waiting for children outside of schools when idling is not necessary.
Idling increases the amount of exhaust fumes in the air. These fumes contain harmful gases including carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons which are linked to asthma and other lung diseases.
Please can I ask that if you’re waiting in your car you turn off your engine. This will help with the air quality near school. Did you know that 1 minute of ‘idling’ can fill approximately 150 balloons with pollution.
It’s never nice for parents with their little people to have to walk through car fumes. Please can you pass this message to anyone who does drop off / collect your children.
Internet Safety
For Parents - Gaming Tips for Parents of Neurodivergent Children.
Internet Matters have released another really useful guide, this time it's all about online gaming safety tips for parents and carers of neurodivergent children. It's a simple 5-page guide covering the research, example games, some of the challenges which parents face and the all-important benefits.
It's a great little guide which you can download HERE.
For Parents - The ABC Online safety Checklist.
Internet Matters have created a really simple safety checklist for parents - ABC
The ABC's are broken down by age to make this as simple as possible for parents: all ages, under 5's, 6-10, 11-13 and 14+. You can download the guide HERE.
Forms that need to be filled in:
Just a reminder that we will need the following forms filled in for school :
Acceptable user agreement for IT in school
Use of Digital images in school
Consent for Learning outside the classroom
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Take and stay safe
Mrs Wilmer