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Newsletter ~ November Week Four


Dear Families,

It’s been a very exciting week for the children playing in the snow.  Lots of fun and happy faces although it’s been so cold.  We’ve had lots of stray gloves which have hopefully all found their way back to their owner.  Some children have borrowed clothes from the uniform swap shop so that they could play outside.  Due to the very cold temperatures, some children have stayed inside if they haven’t had appropriate footwear or clothing.  Please do make sure that children are dressed ready for the freezing weather. 


New Parents open mornings
We have so many parents attending these mornings.  Many have said that our families have pointed them in our direction - so thank you to everyone for passing on our details.


I know many of your children play on Roblox.  I have been sent this information through which I thought you may find useful.


Roblox Tightens Safety Measures


Roblox, one of the most popular games around the world, has been under a lot of fire lately for a whole host of reasons, such as highly inappropriate games accessible to young children, questionable moderation, significant grooming concerns and more.


At its most basic, Roblox is a platform where any user can create games and one of the biggest concerns is that none of these user-generated games have required an age rating system. That's about to change, from mid-December creators will have to content-rate their games. Whilst a positive step it still raises lots of questions, such as:

  • Is anyone checking these ratings?

  • What about games prior to mid-December?

  • Will there be enhanced moderation?

  • and more.

It's a positive step forward but much more needs to be done by Roblox and other platforms to help parents with keeping their children safe. You can read more about the concerns and the steps which Roblox are taking HERE.


Recognition Evening
Every year, Co-op Academies Trust asks all colleagues to vote for other colleagues who have gone the extra mile, above and beyond their job role.  Over the years we have had several staff nominated and shortlisted for various awards.  Mrs Rafferty has been nominated for her ongoing development of English across the school and Mrs Dean has been nominated for her support with our families.  Mrs Elkin won an award last year for her continual dedication and passion to music, helping to inspire lots of children.  The previous two years, Mrs Bebbington has won the community award for all of her hard work and dedication in supporting our families and the community.  

This year, our early years team has been nominated and earlier this week we found out that they have been shortlisted.  On Friday 29th November we get to find out the reasons for the shortlisting and to find out if they’ve won an award.  Whatever the reason, we are so extremely proud of the Early Years team as they have worked so hard to ensure that the learning and environment is outstanding for our younger children.  I’ll keep you posted. 


Grandparent’s Christmas Dinner
Just a reminder that if Grandparents wish to join us for the Christmas lunch, please complete the form and payment.  Last day to do this is Friday 29th November.


Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Wilmer




Upcoming events

World of Work Week for Yr 6


All week

Parents’ evenings



3:30 - 6:30pm

3:30 - 6:30pm

Non-uniform for chocolate bingo


All day

Early Years Christmas Play



Chocolate Bingo



Church visit - Christmas



KS2 New Vic Theatre trip



Grandparents’ Christmas Dinner



11:45am onwards

KS1 Christmas Play

17.12.24 - Yr 1

18.12.24 - Yr 2



Christmas holidays

23.12.24 - 3.01.25

Back to school 7.01.25

INSET - school and S&T closed
