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Newsletter - December Week Four

Merry Christmas!


This final newsletter of 2023 is a chance to reflect on all that has happened over the past 15 weeks.

Our new children have settled well into school and adapted to the school routine amazingly well. All of the children, from Nursery to Year 6, have had a fabulous term of learning supported by their teachers and yourselves. Thank you for the support that you give to us in helping your child’s learning.

I hope that you are as pleased as I am with the progress they are making - a well deserved (and much needed) rest over the holidays is certainly in order!

The PTA have run a number of events to raise money for the school and provide much enjoyed social events at the same time. I will be tallying up all of the money over the next couple of days and let you know how much your generosity has raised. A huge thank you to the PTA team for running these events so smoothly.

Yesterday and today we topped off the festive season with the KS1 Christmas Show - they brought the house down with their singing and dancing! Congratulations KS1, we were all very proud of you. Everyone has worked very hard and overcome nerves - you were fabulous.

A final thank you to the Friarswood team who make everything happen - the teaching staff, office staff, lunchtime team, premises staff and leadership team. All are important parts of the jigsaw that make Friarswood a great place to be.


In other news …

Attendance - despite many coughs and colds going around this last term thankyou for supporting the school with your child's attendance. Our overall attendance so far this year is 96.7% and even today’s attendance is 96.4% - Friarswood is made of tough stuff! 

Finally we will return to school on Monday 8th January. A reminder that the doors open at 8:40 each morning (8:45 Nursery and Reception) and close at 8:50 after which you will need to sign your child in at the front office.


However you choose to spend these holidays I wish you peace and happiness with your families and friends.

Merry Christmas


Ms Hartley