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Newsletter - January Week One

Welcome back!

I hope that you all enjoyed the holidays. We have started the new year as busy and purposeful as always with lots of learning in and outside of the classroom.


Nutcracker at The New Vic Theatre
KS2 started the year with a trip to the theatre on Tuesday. On their return the children’s faces were full of joy and excitement. I heard many tales of giant gingerbread men and teddy bears over playtime! As always the children represented our school brilliantly and the staff at the theatre passed on their admiration of their behaviour and their attentiveness - well done Friarswood! Thank you also to the parent volunteers who went on the trip, I hope you enjoyed it too.


Mrs Wilmer
Mrs Wilmer is continuing her recovery at home. She is making good progress but still needs a little more time to get back on her feet fully. We all wish her well and a full recovery. In the meantime I will continue to spread my time between Year 2 and Acting Head.


Go IT Competition
The children in Year 6 have been working hard developing app ideas in their computing lessons that could help to improve our environment. This is part of a Co-op Academy Trust competition, the finals of which are being held in Manchester later this month. We could only send 1 team to the finals so this morning Mrs Sharman and I had the incredibly difficult job of choosing 1 out of the 5 fantastic presentations. We had an official judging rubric from the competition organisers and the team with the most points were The 4Rs - Ayva-Lilly, Isla, Albert, Jack and Thomas. Well done to all of the teams and good luck to The 4Rs in the finals!


You may have already noticed that school attendance has been in the news much more recently. This is because of a Government campaign - Moments Matter, Attendance Counts launched this month. January to March are months particularly fraught with minor childhood ailments,  the NHS Is my child too ill for school guidance and the Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitty’s letter on mild illness and school attendance might help you to decide if a day off school is actually required. None of us want to bring an ill child into school but we’ve all seen the amazing recovery a child often makes an hour or so after waking!


Message from Mrs Elkin:
On Tuesday I received a super day's training with Read Write Inc trainer Jilly. I have become Friarwood's Reader Leader as I am passionate about making sure every child at Co-op Academy Friarswood becomes a confident and efficient reader!  Our super team of teachers and teaching assistants also share this ethos.

Parents and carers of Reception, Year 1 and 2 children, who have daily phonics lessons, look out for regular videos being sent by myself or your child's class teacher via Class Dojo to support you and your child at home with their reading! 

We would love to hear about some of the success your child is having with reading at home as the Read Write Inc programme that we follow really does ensure your child makes the best start possible with reading. Message your child's class teacher on Dojo and we will share these successes! If you need any help or support with your child's reading, get in touch. 

Happy reading!


On a similar note a reminder that we have an INSET day on Friday 9th February when all of the staff will be receiving further reading training from Read Write Inc. There will be no Small and Tall as the staff are required to attend the training.


Upcoming Events

Year 6 Standon Bowers 15.1.24 All week
Young Voices - Choir 23.1.24  
Valentine's Disco 7.2.24  
Inset Day 9.2.24  
February Half Term 12.2.24 -16.2.24  
Mother's Day Lunch 6.3.24  
World Book Day  8.3.24  
Non-uniform for chocolate bingo 15.3.24  
Celebration of Learning 18.3.24 2.15pm
Chocolate Bingo 20.3.24  
Easter Holidays 25.3.24 - 5.4.24  



Ms Hartley