Funding (Pupil Premium and Sports)
We're part of Co-op Academies Trust. Financial information for the Trust can be found here.
Financial Benchmarking Information
Our academy’s ‘Financial Benchmarking’ information can be found here.
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium is additional funding to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers.
Eligibility for this funding is based on a pupil meeting at least one of the following:
- Currently in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM)
- Have been in receipt of FSM at any point in the last 6 years (Ever6)
- Have at least one parent currently serving in the British Armed Forces
- Have been in receipt of care from the local authority (Children looked After / CLA)
Pupil Premium Grant Allocations:
- FSM and E6 £1480
- British Armed Forces £340
- CLA £2750
At Co-op Academy Friarswood, our aim is to narrow the gap in attainment and educational opportunity between those eligible and those who are not. The proportion of our pupils who are eligible is much lower than the national average. Through consultation with the Headteacher and class teacher and SENCo if appropriate, a decision is made on how to allocate the provision for each individual child.
Monitoring of data and progress is completed termly and discussions are held with the teacher, Headteacher and SLT with regards to each child’s progress. Governors monitor pupil premium allocation through discussions with the Headteacher and through the Governors Teaching and Learning Committee.
Pupil Premium Strategy 2023-24
Pupil Premium Strategy statement 2024 ~25
A review of the pupil premium strategy will made termly.
Sports Premium Funding
We’re committed to our development of Physical Education (P.E.), sport and physical activity provision.